Saturday, April 18, 2009

And Our Home Will Never Be the Same...

When Ch. said he wanted drums, Scot assured me that this is a quick phase that all males go through. Wow, he was wrong! Ch. has been saving Christmas, bday, babysitting money for these. He wanted to buy anything he could find, sight unseen. We finally convinced him he could get a better deal on In case you're wondering --- Yes, we bought him ear plugs, and yes it's very loud. What I didn't get were ear plugs for the rest of us. Honestly, the worst thing is not the noise of the drums, but that he can't hear me when I yell for him. I have to walk upstairs to get him -- annoying. If you go to his blog, he taped himself playing with a CD. But he couldn't hear the CD very well so he's a little off sometimes. He hasn't had any instruction yet, so truly I'm really amazed with how well he's doing.

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