Monday, June 2, 2008

Starting a Blog

I must admit that my son started this blog for me. Being the technically-talented person that I am I never would have started this without Ch. and Scot. I also have never enjoyed writing so blogging is going to be a great experience for me. I've always hated writing. In college I had many a teary breakdowns with my husband because I had to write a paper. Since I don't keep a journal I hope this blog will help to chronicle my kids' lives and keep everyone up to date on our lives. For my first blog I'll tell you about what we did this last month. The boys had their spring choir concert. They had three performances. They both loved it, but Ch. really seemed to come into his own in this performance. He loved being James Bond and running around with his gun being a secret service agent. He's really developed a love for performing (Here's mommy, living vicariously through her son :-) C. also enjoyed it. He sang a song about being a "big, bad squirrel." He had to dress up as a punk squirrel. We absolutely loved watching them.

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