Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Seussical Jr.

Today is a great day at our house! Chandler tried out for the Seussical musical and today found out that he got the lead he wanted - Jojo! I got to sit in on his tryout and thought he did really well. He sang a song from "Hope of America"-- a huge presentation elementary schools had done at BYU a couple of months ago. After he sang we mentioned to the director that he already knew a lot of the songs. They asked him impromptu and a capella to sing one. Yikes! I was terrified for him because he hadn't practiced any. But it was beautiful! I couldn't wipe off the "I'm so proud of my child grin." Still, I didn't want to get my hopes up because he didn't move at all during his tryout. He sang great, but he stood immobile with his hands behind his back. Then the director asked him to smile his biggest smile - it was that cheesy grin all kids make when you tell them to smile for a picture. I told the director that spontaneity wasn't his strong point but that he does great with direction! For any family that wants to go, the performances will be in the EXTREMELY small Lehi Arts Center (the size of the arts center is testament to how much Lehi values the arts) July 31, Aug. 1, Aug. 2, Aug. 4.


Amber said...

That's awesome!! Tell him CONGRATS!! I wish I could be there!

Foodqueenja said...

Amber, we'll be sure to buy a recording of it so you can at least see part of it when you get back. We really do miss you guys!

Shadow Dragon said...

Mami, thank you for helping me get the part.



Amber said...

oh, i miss you too!!! i hope all is going well back home!!