Sunday, August 31, 2008

The kids singing

A few weeks ago, Scot, my dad, Ch., and I spoke in church. I translated my dad's talk for him, and he read it in Spanish. He did really well, especially for not speaking any Spanish! The kids sang a Primary song, and it turned out beautifully. Of course, when we practiced at home, they were goofing off and laying on the floor. But when the time came, they did great. Tonight before Family Home Evening, I tried to get them to do it again to blog it. I won't go into the details of how it all went very badly and I sent them to their rooms. :-(. But, in the end, they came down to sing. When they sang a few weeks ago it was definitely their best performance, but this will give you an idea.


Maren said...

Oh, it is so beautiful- it made me get teary. THOSE KIDS ARE CUTE!

Carrie said...

They sounded so great. We are all tone deaf so singing is out

Doreen said...

That was cute. It is amaizing that preparing for something like that you feel like pulling your hair out. It feels like they are not paying attention! but when it comes time, you realize that they did GET IT!